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"How can I say this so we can stay in this car together, and yet - explore the things that I want to explore with you?"
Claudia Rankine
Nov 23, 2021
All the Rage
“We speak of men and their rage as if it laudable. "Men just get mad and push each other and it's over", we say. "Women are just bitches;...
Nov 1, 2021
On Storytelling, Moving Through Grief & Love
“And now you'll be telling stories of my coming back and they won't be false, and they won't be true but they'll be real.” - Mary Oliver...
Oct 25, 2021
Float On: The Meditative Balm of Blue Spaces
The first time I visited Australia from England, I headed to the beach at dusk with a friend. Sitting at the edge of the surf, I looked...
Sep 21, 2021
Darkness is Golden
Or is it? “There are two sides to the messiness of life: life itself is messy, but so are we humans. No matter how much we try to control...
Sep 11, 2021
The Psychological Art of Narrative Choices
“It’s like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We...
Aug 25, 2021
The Psychology of List Making
I’m an advocate for list-making. I make one myself most mornings, taking the time over my first cup of coffee to contemplate my day. What...
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